50部建筑师必看纪录片|史上最完整的清单来啦! 2020-02-11 上午10:17 • 未分类 建筑师必看纪录片 建道特意精选了50部 好看又精彩的 建筑师必看纪录片 题材涉猎甚广, 包括建筑、城市、历史、科幻、 艺术、爱与人生等。 假期宅在家,可以选择性观看。 文案|Kin,马路瑶,Shirley Chen 校对|一对栗子 编辑|Winnie 01 Abstract: The Art of Design (Since 2017) 抽象:设计的艺术 02 Grand Designs (Since 1999) 大设计 03 The World's Most Extraordinary Homes(Since 2017) 世界上最非凡的住宅 04 Tiny House Nation(Since 2014) 小屋国度 05 Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things(2016) 极简主义:关于重要事物的纪录片 06 Secrets of Great British Castles(Since 2015) 英国城堡的秘密 07 Amazing Interiors(Since 2018) 室内案例 08 Big Dreams Small Spaces(Since 2014) 小花园大梦想 09 The Great Interior Design Challenge(Since 2014) 英国室内设计挑战 10 Stay Here(Since 2019) 短租房屋升值大改造 11 Mies on Scene(2018) 聚焦密斯 12 KUSAMA: INFINITY (2018) 草间弥生的生活 13 Rams (2018) 拉姆斯 14 Renzo Piano, the Architect of Light (2018) 伦佐·皮亚诺:光之建筑师 15 The Proposal (2018) 提议 16 Design Canada (2018) 设计加拿大 17 In Between Mountains and Oceans (2015) 伊势神宫:山海的千年回响 18 Leaning Into the Wind: Andy Goldsworthy(2017) 倾向于风 19 Citizen Jane: Battle for the City (2016) 简·雅各布斯:城市规划之战 20 Glenn Murcutt: Spirit of Place (2016) 空间之魂 21 BIG TIME 1h33min (2017) / 英语 22 Tudo é Projeto (It's all a plan) 1h14min (2017) / 葡萄牙语 23 Workshop for Peace: The Construction of the UN 54min (2016) /英语 24 I am Gentrification: Confessions of a Scoundrel 1h38min (2017)/瑞士 25 Ponto de vista 30min (2015) /葡萄牙语 26 Urbanized 1h25min (2011)/英语 27 Cholet: The work of Freddy Mamani 1h02min (2016) / 西班 28 Dust and Lipstick on the Brazilian Central Plateau: 50 Women in the Construction of Brasilia 58min (2016) /葡萄牙语 29 Arquitectura in Angola 1h05min (2017)/葡萄牙语 30 REM 1h15min (2016)/英语 31 Cavalcante.Bikes VS Cars 1h30min (2015)/英语 32 Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Reimagining Lincoln Center and High Line 55min (2012)/英语 33 Tadao Ando: From Emptiness to Infinity 53min (2013)/英语 © hddocumentary.com 34 Megastructures - Roman Architecture 1h06min (2016) /英语 35 The City Dark 1h24min (2011)/英语 36 Telos: The Fantastic World of Eugene Tssui 54min (2014) /英语 37 Making Space: 5 Women Changing the Face of Architecture 49min (2014) /英语 38 Bernardes 1h31min (2014)/葡萄牙语 39 Ventura Terra - Projecting Modernity 55min (2017)/葡萄牙语 40 The Construction of Villa Além 55min (2017) /葡萄牙语 41 Was the Hotel Cambridge 1h39min (2016) /葡萄牙语 42 David Chipperfield: A Place To Be 1h15 min (2015) / EAn episode 43 Neighbors 2h35min (2016)/葡萄牙语 44 Brasília - Life After Design 1h28min (2017)/英语 45 Life and Death of an Architect 52min (2017) /西班牙语 46 Amare Gio Ponti 35min (2015)/意大利 47 Made in Ilima 1h05min (2017)/英语 48 The Human Scale 49 American Masters Sketches of Frank Gehry 50 American Masters Eames: The Architect and the Painter 加载中... 发布者:建筑学院,未经许可禁止以建筑学院-Archcollege 版本转载,文章链接:/46814.html 建筑师纪录片 赞 (0) 0 2 生成海报 大明湖畔的泉上居——百花洲C1C2古建筑群落改造新生 / CCDI卝智室内设计 上一篇 2020-02-11 上午9:30 一次与材质的对话,将回忆延续的空间之旅 / 卧野空间设计事务所 下一篇 2020-02-12 上午6:30 发表回复 请登录后评论...登录后才能评论 提交 评论列表(2条) J-Joker 2020-02-11 下午5:25 这些都去哪里可以看呀 回复 巧乐兹 2020-02-11 下午8:14 有网页或途径吗 回复 建筑学院 2020-02-11 下午11:39 @巧乐兹:这些都是国外的纪录片,去youtube上基本都能找到。 回复