△ 建筑与环境 building and surrounding environment
The cheapest materials, the simplest way, the fastest speed to build and to dismantle.
This is a space prototype with basic living scale - 3 m×3 m×3 m cube space device. It took six hours to build, 48 hours to exist, and three hours to dismantle.
△ 项目视频 project video
The cube "floats" 300mm above the ground. The 400mm thick double-layer wood base plate walls are arranged in the shape of windmill, with 600mm wide opening at four corners, so that people can enter from any direction. A 1m high, 600mm wide folding steel table stands in the center of the hollowed out cube space. A blank notebook is placed on the rusty table top, and a sky light shoots down from the top.
△ 雨中立方体 cube in rain
△ 立方体内部空间 cube interior space
You walk into this floating house, stop, gaze... Pick up your pen and write down your memories and expectations.
When night comes, the cube is lit and becomes a lamp.
△ 立方体夜景 cube night view
△ 立方体立面夜景 cube night view elevation
△ 立方体室内夜景 cube interior night view
The construction process of the cube is a complete light-weight assembly construction experiment: all materials are prefabricated in the factory and recycled, including galvanized steel pipe scaffold (diameter of round steel pipe is 50 mm, wall thickness is 2.25 mm), which is the standard specification (1m×1m) recycling wood backing plate commonly used for logistics storage function, and 10mm thick sunlight. The surface of the outer skin of the plate is covered and the unit type steel grid is used as the hollow floor. The construction and demolition process of the cube requires a construction team of 3-5 people. The transportation of construction materials can be completed by a 4.2m long box truck at one time, and all materials and components can be reused.
△ 结构分解图 exploded drawing
△ 木托板与阳光板 wood base plate and sunlight board
△ 钢与木 steel and wood
△ 转角细节 corner detail
△ 台阶细节 steps detail
The advantages of simple and clear construction system, 100% standardization of components, light, low construction difficulty, rapid construction and low cost make this building device show strong adaptability, and can be built in any place to accommodate multiple functions. The volume and space scale of the building can also be flexibly adjusted according to the needs of use; The hollow wall and roof can be filled with thermal insulation materials and used as the space for water and electricity pipelines; The wood base plate has been treated with fire prevention and anti-corrosion, and can be replaced at any time; The internal and external skin can be made of local materials, and a variety of enclosure materials are used to achieve waterproof and windproof requirements. According to the actual site conditions, prevailing wind direction and sun direction, doors and windows can be flexibly set to meet the needs of natural ventilation and lighting.
△ 轴测图 isometric view
This is a construction system with unlimited expansion potential, which provides strong solid and durable functional space for emergency disposal and rapid reconstruction after natural disasters, such as temporary resettlement housing, temporary hospitals, health facilities, etc. it can also be used for municipal services and small outdoor tourism service facilities, and a spiritual place for meditation and spiritual comfort so as to play the special social value of light prefabricated buildings.
△ 在都市中 in city
△ 在森林中 in forest
△ 在荒野中 in wild
Physical architecture will disappear, but there will always be something in the heart.
design drawing
△ 平面图 plan
△ 立面图 elevation
△ 剖面图 section
设计机构:中建工程设计/袁野建筑工作室(Yuan Ye Architects)
建筑师:袁野,Matteo Mariano
展览:2020北京国际设计周(Beijing Design Week)
发布者:建筑学院,未经许可禁止以建筑学院-Archcollege 版本转载,文章链接:/48240.html