采访、编辑 / Archcollege,受访者 / 刘羽纶 | Yulun LIU,转载请联系授权 / 微信ID:jzxy-dog
「建筑学在世界各地经历着不同的发展阶段,蕴含着各自独特的文化与历史意义,也带来了不同的实践机会。专栏《建世界 | Chinese Architect in the World》将关注中国建筑师在全球各地的实践与探索,旨在促进信息的同时激发新的思考。」——建筑学院 Archcollege 编辑部
本期专访的主人公刘羽纶,毕业于天津大学建筑工程学院(原土木系)、宾夕法尼亚大学的 Weitzman 设计学院,现就职于SOM 芝加哥办公室。
刘羽纶 | Yulun LIU
2019-2022:宾夕法尼亚大学的 Weitzman 设计学院,建筑学硕士
2022-至今:SOM 芝加哥办公室建筑师
Virtual Home Competition(Buildner,2023年):第一名
Visualization Award:第三名
› 01.教育及研究背景
› 02.工作内容及挑战
› 03.建筑竞赛
› 04.展望未来
› 05.作品集
Section 1: 教育及研究背景
Q1: Could you please provide a brief overview of your educational background?
我受到的教育横跨 建筑设计 和 结构工程 两个领域,拥有理论基础和多学科交叉的能力。2019年,进入美国宾夕法尼亚大学的 Weitzman 设计学院,攻读建筑学硕士学位,并于2022年毕业。在此之前,在天津大学建筑工程学院获得结构工程硕士学位。
My educational background spans both architecture and structural engineering, providing me with a strong theoretical foundation and interdisciplinary skills. I started my Master of Architecture studies at the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania in 2019, and graduating in 2022. Prior to that, I earned a Master's degree in Structural Engineering from the School of Civil Engineering at Tianjin University.
This dual academic background offers me a unique interdisciplinary perspective. It allows me to approach architectural design not only from the standpoint of aesthetics and functionality but also with a deep understanding of structural performance and material selection. This combination of skills enables me to integrate architectural beauty with technical precision, particularly when developing comprehensive design solutions for complex projects.
▲ Tensegrity Model, 2022, Yulun Liu
Q2: Your background is unique, as you hold dual master's degrees in structural engineering and architectural design. Could you elaborate on the different educational experiences you had in these two fields and their respective research areas?
通过在Masoud Akbarzadeh教授的多面体结构实验室(Polyhedral Structural Laboratory,PSL)担任研究助理,我参与了基于几何结构生成的研究工作,运用Python和Grasshopper等工具生成复杂的结构形态,并将其应用于木质结构的材料化设计。
My research also spans both structural engineering and architectural design, with each discipline contributing to a diverse and robust skill set.
In structural engineering, I have focused on the integration of theoretical foundations with practical applications, particularly in engineering mechanics, structural design, and material science. During my Master’s studies at Tianjin University, my research primarily explored structural load mechanisms, such as the shear behavior of bonded anchors and post-installed rebars. This work allowed me to engage deeply with practical research projects and publish several academic papers in reputable structural engineering journals.
On the architectural side, my education emphasized creativity, spatial planning, and design expression. While pursuing my Master of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, I concentrated on combining architectural aesthetics with functional design, all while considering user experience and spatial perception. As a research assistant in the Polyhedral Structural Laboratory (PSL) under Professor Masoud Akbarzadeh, I contributed to research on geometry-based structural form generation, using tools like Python and Grasshopper to create complex structural forms, which were then applied to timber-based material design.
These experiences not only strengthened my understanding of the relationship between structure and design but also led to the publication of my research at the ACADIA conference, where I presented my work on computational design and structural innovation.
Through this diverse academic and research background, I’ve developed a well-rounded perspective that enables me to approach architectural form from both a design and technical standpoint. I strive to balance aesthetics, structural feasibility, and user needs, continually seeking to integrate design with technology to bring innovative concepts to life.
▲ Shear analysis for adhesive anchor, 2019, Yulun Liu
▲ Topological Research, 2021, Yulun Liu
▲ Kerf bending research published at ACADIA, 2021, Yulun Liu
▲ Kerf bending research published at ACADIA, 2021, Yulun Liu
Section 2: 工作内容及挑战
Q3: What is your current work status like?
目前,我在SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill)芝加哥办公室担任建筑设计师。因为SOM的跨学科背景非常契合我,因此才选择加入并进一步拓展我在建筑与结构工程领域的知识与实践。
作为一名美国注册建筑师,并且持有 LEED AP BD+C 的认证,使我能够在设计过程中将绿色建筑标准融入到每一个环节中。目前我主要负责大规模项目的设计和协调工作。在工作中参与了不同类型的项目,包括具有挑战性的设计任务和技术复杂的实施阶段。工作状态可以说是设计与技术并重,一方面负责建筑设计方案的开发和优化,另一方面密切配合结构和其他技术团队,确保项目的顺利推进。
Currently, I work as an architectural designer at SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill) in the Chicago office. I chose to join SOM because its interdisciplinary approach aligns perfectly with my background, allowing me to expand my knowledge and experience in both architecture and structural engineering. SOM is recognized as one of the world's leading firms in architectural and structural design, boasting an outstanding reputation in the field of structural engineering. The firm is known for its complex technical solutions and innovative designs, exemplified by iconic projects such as One World Trade Center in New York and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world.
As a licensed architect in the U.S. and a LEED AP BD+C credential holder, I integrate sustainable building standards into every aspect of the design process. My primary responsibilities involve the design and coordination of large-scale projects. I engage in a variety of project types, including those with challenging design requirements and technically complex implementation phases. My role balances both design and technical aspects; I lead the development and optimization of architectural solutions while collaborating closely with structural and technical teams to ensure the smooth execution of projects.
Additionally, I actively participate in academic research, incorporating cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas into my design work, such as 3D printing and Bio-block exhibition design. As a dedicated team member, I emphasize close communication and collaboration with all stakeholders, ensuring that projects meet high standards from concept through completion. These experiences have enabled me to leverage my interdisciplinary background and continually grow in the dynamic and complex environment of architectural design.
▲ SOM Chicago Office
▲ Burj Khalifa, Dubai, 2010, SOM
Q4: What are your current work responsibilities? Could you provide a brief overview of the architectural projects you are currently involved in?
参与了OHare机场“树形立柱”(Tree Column)的设计工作,这是一项极具挑战性的任务。树形立柱的设计要求精确表达结构之美,其树枝状分叉需承载大跨度的屋顶结构,并与天花板设计无缝连接。这不仅要保证其功能性,还要充分展示结构的美学价值。在这个过程中,我和结构团队紧密合作,确保树形立柱的造型与承重功能达到最佳平衡。同时也参与了天花板的设计,以突出树状结构顶部的优雅与整体空间的和谐相接,使得立柱与天花板的交接处自然流畅,成为整个建筑空间的亮点。
One of the key projects I am involved in is the expansion of Chicago O'Hare International Airport, where I am responsible for the development of daily design tasks. As the project architect, I coordinate between the architectural and structural teams and prepare for client meetings to ensure that critical design phases progress smoothly.
I participated in the design of the "Tree Column" at O'Hare Airport, which presented a significant challenge. This design required a precise expression of structural beauty, with branch-like bifurcations that needed to support a large-span roof structure while seamlessly integrating with the ceiling design. This task involved ensuring functionality while also highlighting the aesthetic value of the structure. Throughout this process, I worked closely with the structural team to achieve an optimal balance between the column's form and its load-bearing capabilities. I also contributed to the ceiling design to accentuate the elegance of the tree structure's top and create a harmonious connection with the overall space, making the junction between the column and ceiling a standout feature of the architectural environment.
Currently, I am primarily focused on the design and development of enclosure systems, which require extensive collaboration among interdisciplinary teams, particularly in integrating architectural design with structural engineering. Coordinating the efforts of various professional teams to ensure that the facade meets aesthetic standards while achieving efficient structural performance is a challenging yet rewarding task, especially within stringent time and budget constraints.
In addition to my regular architectural design responsibilities, I am also engaged in research projects related to 3D-printed concrete and the design of exhibition pavilions utilizing bio-blocks. My previous research background has been instrumental in advancing these material studies, helping to drive the architecture industry toward more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
▲ O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, 2024, SOM
▲ O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, 2024, SOM
▲ O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, 2024, SOM
Q5:According to your introduction, while you primarily work on architectural projects, your company also provides opportunities for research-related endeavors. As a researcher, what do you consider to be your unique strengths? How do these strengths contribute to innovation and transformation within the American architecture industry?
目前在SOM工作做的3D打印和生物砖块(bio-block)相关研究在减排和节能方面具有重要意义。首先,3D打印技术能够通过精确控制材料使用,减少建筑废料和能量消耗,可以将建筑材料的使用效率提高至90% 。据估算,3D打印混凝土能够将碳排放减少约60%。在美国,混凝土生产占全球人为碳排放的8%,因此这一技术对美国的碳减排和环保事业有着巨大的潜在影响。其次,生物砖块的应用(bio-block)不仅有助于提高建筑物的能效,建筑物的整体能耗可降低30%至50% 。能够比传统混凝土块减少每立方米一吨的碳排放,并预计全球范围内可减少8%的二氧化碳排放。还能利用可再生资源,进一步减少建筑行业的环境影响。
My research at Tianjin University primarily focused on the shear mechanism of bonded reinforcement and chemical anchors. The results of this research led to the publication of two papers in top domestic journals related to civil engineering and architecture. These findings significantly enhance the safety of building structures, ensuring stability under extreme conditions such as earthquakes and wind loads, thereby reducing the risk of accidents. Furthermore, by optimizing the design of these materials, we can effectively reduce material usage, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact while also improving construction efficiency. The depth of this research has also driven innovations in construction methods.
At the University of Pennsylvania, my academic research centered on a novel wooden spatial framework system that simplifies the design and construction processes of complex spatial structures. This system overcomes the challenges of uniqueness in nodes and components associated with traditional spatial frameworks. Additionally, the integration of Polyhedral Geometry Statics (PGS) ensured the planarity of the structure, enhancing both stability and aesthetics, while flexible connection designs improved overall performance. The potential application of this system in large-scale spatial structures provides architects and engineers with new avenues for innovation, pushing the architecture industry toward greater efficiency and sustainability.
Currently, my work at SOM involves research related to 3D printing and bio-blocks, which hold significant implications for emissions reduction and energy efficiency. First, 3D printing technology can minimize construction waste and energy consumption by precisely controlling material usage, potentially improving the efficiency of building materials to 90%. It is estimated that 3D-printed concrete can reduce carbon emissions by approximately 60%. In the U.S., concrete production accounts for 8% of global anthropogenic carbon emissions, making this technology potentially impactful for carbon reduction and environmental efforts in the country. Second, the application of bio-blocks can enhance the energy efficiency of buildings, reducing overall energy consumption by 30% to 50%. These blocks can cut carbon emissions by one ton per cubic meter compared to traditional concrete blocks, with an estimated global reduction of 8% in carbon dioxide emissions. Furthermore, they utilize renewable resources, further diminishing the environmental impact of the construction industry.
Combining these research experiences, my unique advantage lies in my ability to integrate theory with practice, effectively leveraging the research knowledge gained during my academic career. Even after entering the workforce, I remain passionate about advancing cutting-edge technologies in the architecture industry and providing practical solutions for innovation and transformation.
▲ Kerf bending research published at ACADIA, 2021, Yulun Liu
▲ Kerf bending research published at ACADIA, 2021, Yulun Liu
▲ 3D Printed house, 2023, Peri/Cive/COBOD
▲ Bio-Block Chicago Architecture Biennial, 2023, SOM
▲ Bio-Block Chicago Architecture Biennial, 2023, SOM
Section 3: 建筑竞赛
Q6: 除了研究与工作经历,您还积极参与了多个国际建筑竞赛,并获得了不少奖项。您参加这些国际竞赛的初衷和动力是什么?您的教育背景和工作经验是否对您在竞赛中的成功起到了帮助?
Q6: Besides your research and work experience, you have actively participated in various international architectural competitions and received numerous awards. What is your motivation and purpose for entering these competitions? Have your educational background and work experience contributed to your success in these competitions?
在所有获奖的比赛中,获得“Virtual Home”竞赛的第一名和“Visualization Award”竞赛的第三名的挑战较大。这些竞赛在国际舞台上进行,参与者来自全球,竞争非常激烈,因此对我来说也都是巨大的挑战。在一些竞赛中借助了AI技术来辅助设计,通过对复杂数据的分析和生成优化,使设计更具创新性和前瞻性。这不仅帮助我突破了传统思维的限制,也展现了我对新兴科技发展趋势的敏感度。
Participating in international architectural competitions has provided me with a platform free from conventional project constraints, enabling me to innovate boldly and explore cutting-edge architectural concepts and technologies. These competitions allowed me to engage with designers from around the world, learning from their thought processes and design philosophies, which continually broadened my perspective and enhanced my design skills.
Among all the competitions I participated in, achieving first place in the “Virtual Home” competition and third place in the “Visualization Award” competition presented significant challenges. These events took place on an international stage, with participants from across the globe, resulting in intense competition that tested my abilities. In some instances, I leveraged AI technology to assist in the design process, analyzing complex data and generating optimizations to create more innovative and forward-thinking designs. This approach not only helped me overcome traditional thinking limitations but also demonstrated my awareness of emerging technological trends.
The integration of new technologies, such as AI, in architectural design is gradually transforming the industry. Through these experiences, I aim to explore their potential and drive advancements in design. Utilizing AI can enhance design efficiency, optimize resource allocation, and position me at the forefront of design innovation. This not only allows me to stand out in competitions but also equips me to better navigate the complexities and diversity of future architectural environments.
▲ Third Prize, Architectural Visualization Competition, Buildner, 2023, Yulun Liu
▲ First Prize, Virtual Home Competition, Buildner, 2023, Yulun Liu
▲ First Prize, Virtual Home Competition, Buildner, 2023, Yulun Liu
Q7: During your participation in competitions, have you encountered any challenges or difficulties? How did you overcome them?
Firstly, maintaining the complexity and innovation of design requirements poses a significant challenge. I enjoy participating in competitions where I can explore unconventional architectural concepts. This necessitates a consistently proactive and eager-to-learn attitude, along with a continuous focus on the development of cutting-edge architectural technologies. By engaging in industry lectures, reading the latest research papers, and exchanging ideas with experts in the field, I continually update my knowledge and skills. This approach not only inspires me during competitions but also helps me find solutions when I encounter challenges.
Incorporating AI into my competition entries has also been a bold endeavor. My sensitivity to the advancements in new technologies has sparked additional inspiration throughout the design process. Consequently, this thirst for new knowledge and commitment to ongoing learning have become invaluable assets in overcoming obstacles.
▲ First Prize, Virtual Home Competition, Buildner, 2023, Yulun Liu
▲ First Prize, Virtual Home Competition, Buildner, 2023, Yulun Liu
Section 4: 展望未来
Q8: You are involved in architectural projects within your firm, actively engaging in both company research initiatives and your own research, while also participating in international architectural competitions. Given your extensive experience, what preparations and efforts have you made for this? What are your expectations, plans, or visions for the future?
To achieve success in architectural projects, research endeavors, and international architectural competitions, it is essential to balance multiple roles and develop a detailed work plan that ensures sufficient time is allocated to each project. Engaging in team discussions to gain diverse perspectives and feedback is incredibly beneficial for my design and research efforts.
Staying attuned to new technologies and industry trends is also crucial. Regular participation in professional seminars and training, such as the annual conference hosted by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), which covers topics like design, technological innovation, sustainable architecture, and urban planning, allows me to continuously update my knowledge and skills. Involvement in various research projects has deepened my understanding of architectural design and structural engineering while fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Looking ahead, I aspire to further develop my expertise at the intersection of architectural design and research, particularly in the application of sustainable design and smart building technologies. I plan to seek additional research opportunities, especially in new materials and technologies, to drive innovation and transformation within the industry. Furthermore, I hope to continue participating in international architectural competitions, which not only challenge my capabilities but also serve as a platform to showcase innovative thinking. Through these efforts, I look forward to making meaningful contributions to the architectural field in the future.
Section 5: 作品集
与许多其他地区相似,费城正遭受严重的心理健康问题困扰。位于Spring Garden街的Callowhill区域,集结了艺术氛围与废弃工业用地,项目“丘陵”(Hilling)旨在为这里注入一片因地制宜的自然景观,以带来身心的放松与慰藉。该项目通过3D打印技术构建了一个人工自然空间,结合生态艺术疗法,专门用于心理康复项目。
生态艺术疗法是一种创新的心理健康疗愈方式,鼓励人们在观察和体验自然的过程中,通过艺术创作找到治愈的力量。项目引入了机器学习技术,包括AI图像识别和Style GAN生成等手段,打造出一种全新形式的自然空间,为周边社区居民提供一个减压与康复的心灵港湾。
Like many other places, Philadelphia is suffering from severe mental illness strikes. Callowhill (Spring Garden St, Philadelphia), a place of art and abandoned industrial land, is experimented with a tailored infill nature for physical breath and mental relief. The project “Hilling” is born as a 3d printed artificial nature serving for mental healing programs via Eco-art therapy.
Eco-art therapy is a pioneer method facilitating mental wellness through the creation of artwork via the observation and enjoyment of nature. With the support of machine learning such as AI perceptions and style GAN generations, the project is constructed as a new form of natural destination for the neighborhood to alleviate and treat mental illness.
The forms obtained have been twinned with landscape features that transform the abandoned land into a new constellation of programs including art-workshops, galleries, and classrooms. The ambiguous position between nature and architecture makes it unique. As nature, it is occupiable and conquerable, while as an architecture, inhabitable spaces unfold the mysterious natural features for visitors to meditate and relieve themselves.
With over 2,000 acres of rolling hills, gentle trails, serene waterfronts, and shaded woodlands, Fairmount Park encompasses a rich diversity of natural landscapes in its East and West sections. Rather than viewing the landscape as a static "thing-in-itself," it is essential to recognize it as a dynamic process characterized by ongoing relationships within the physical environment. The goal is for the park to be perceived as a "thing-for-us."
The project is initially inspired by the Korean traditional bathhouse, which typically features a central gathering space surrounded by multiple smaller rooms, each serving different functions.
By incorporating the concept of a central gathering space into traditional design thinking, the natural site serves as the outermost layer, immediately adjacent to the building, while the innermost layer consists of the bath. The vision is to use a metaphorical pair of scissors to delineate and unfold the elements of nature, the building, and the bath. This approach allows for a reimagining of the original atrium as a new landscape and the original landscape as a new building atrium. The intention is to preserve the characteristic creases on the central wall, which result from this folding process.
发布者:建筑学院,未经许可禁止以建筑学院-Archcollege 版本转载,文章链接:/53956.html