「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

专栏《建世界 | Chinese Architect in the World》将关注中国建筑师在全球各地的实践与探索,旨在促进信息的同时激发新的思考。

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

采访、编辑 / Archcollege

受访者 / 张煜晗 | Yuhan Zhang

转载请联系授权 / 微信ID:jzxy-dog

建筑学在世界各地经历着不同的发展阶段,蕴含着各自独特的文化与历史意义,也带来了不同的实践机会。专栏《建世界 | Chinese Architect in the World》将关注中国建筑师在全球各地的实践与探索,旨在促进信息的同时激发新的思考。」
——建筑学院 Archcollege 编辑部 
本期专访的主人公张煜晗,毕业于加州大学伯克利分校自然资源学院、耶鲁大学建筑学院,现就职于SCDA 纽约办公室。


「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗


张煜晗 | Yuhan Zhang



2021-至今:SCDA 纽约办公室建筑师


NY Architectural Design Awards Gold 2024

Muse Design Award Gold&Silver 2024
Willam Stout Architectural History Award 2018
Green Building Leadership Camp First Prize 2015








Section 1




Yuhan: 我2013年开始在加州大学伯克利分校学习环境科学,并辅修了建筑学院下的城市规划和可持续设计。在交叉学科的影响下,我对建筑设计越来越感兴趣,于是在大三结束的时候GAP了一年,参加了哥伦比亚大学建筑学院的纽约/巴黎项目。半年在纽约,半年在巴黎的建筑学习经历极大地丰富了我的审美和扩展了我的世界观,我也就此决定投身建筑设计行业。 


I began my studies in Environmental Science at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2013, with a minor in Urban Planning and Sustainable Design under the College of Environmental Design. Influenced by this interdisciplinary background, I developed a growing interest in architectural design. During my junior year, I took a gap year to participate in Columbia University's New York/Paris program. This immersive experience, split between New York and Paris, greatly expanded my aesthetic sensibilities and worldview, solidifying my decision to pursue a career in architecture. I later earned my Master of Architecture degree from Yale School of Architecture after three years of study. I gained early experience through brief internships at design institutes and small studios in China. After graduation, I moved to New York and joined the New York office of SCDA, a mid-sized firm headquartered in Singapore.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗





Yuhan: 我很幸运能在毕业后就加入SCDA纽约办公室,尽管SCDA大部分作品专注于酒店和住宅设计,但它其实业务范围非常广泛,涵盖了建筑,景观,室内和产品。纽约办公室是一个小而精的办公室,所以我也常常身兼多职。除了设计工作之外,我还会参与到公司住宅项目的日常运营和维护。
I feel fortunate to have joined SCDA’s New York office right after graduation. Though SCDA specializes in hospitality and residential design, it actually has a broad scope, covering architecture, landscape, interior, and product design. The New York office is small but highly efficient, so I often take on multiple roles. Over the past few years, I’ve been involved in various project phases, from early planning and conceptual design to later stages of refinement and construction. On U.S. projects, I am also responsible for daily communication and coordination with clients, engineers, and contractors. Additionally, I frequently contribute to sustainable and environmental design for projects worldwide, providing sustainability analysis and design suggestions to our Singapore team.
「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗


Q3:你的教育背景很丰富,世界公立 Top1 伯克利,远离大城市的顶级私立大学耶鲁大学,纽约市中心的哥大都有求学,聊聊这些不同学校和经历对你的影响。 
Although all three schools are in the United States, they each have distinct characteristics. At UC Berkeley, I received a well-rounded education, thanks to the wide variety of courses and disciplines available at this public university. While my major was within the College of Natural Resources, I also took numerous courses at the College of Environmental Design, which sparked my initial interest in architectural design. Berkeley embodies California’s progressive environmental ideals and advanced technologies, which shaped my early perspective on architecture.


「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 在伯克利的一个暑期我参加了第一个建筑studio

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 评图结束后和老师在背后的中庭花园里交流

To further explore architectural design and confirm my passion for the field, I later joined Columbia University’s New York/Paris program. Columbia's program is uniquely positioned to take advantage of its prime locations in Manhattan and central Paris, allowing students to fully immerse themselves in the urban fabric and draw from its abundant resources. For a field as context-sensitive as architecture, this geographic advantage is invaluable. During the Paris semester, we spent nearly every weekend traveling to different cities and countries to study architecture, making it a transformative architectural grand tour for me.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 哥大的纽约学期狭小的工作室空间

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 交图前见证纽约凌晨4点的初雪

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 巴黎学期学院楼里的春天

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 周末和同学一起去看萨伏伊别墅



学校的课程除了以设计课为重,也非常注重实践。偏向技术的暑期课和职业发展课会让我们更了解建筑师在真实社会中的处境,还有学校传统的Building  Project会让每一届的学生一起设计并且在几个月的时间里建起一栋小型住宅。可以说在这里我才开始迈向成为职业建筑师的第一步。

In contrast to my interdisciplinary undergraduate experience, my three years at Yale were focused solely on deep architectural studies. This was my first encounter with the atmosphere of an elite private university, where the academic and artistic environment was profoundly inspiring, and the close relationships between professors and students enriched the learning experience. Yale’s curriculum emphasized not only design but also hands-on practice. Technical summer courses and professional development classes gave us insights into the realities architects face in the industry. The school’s long-standing Building Project, where each cohort designs and constructs a small house within a few months, provided invaluable real-world experience. It was at Yale that I truly began my journey toward becoming a professional architect.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 耶鲁的学院楼和工作室应该是三个学校里环境最舒适的了

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 中庭空间因为正好是一个标准羽毛球场的大小,不评图的时候我们会用来打羽毛球比赛

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 每学期开学第一天设计课“抽奖”

Q4:你的工作经历也很丰富,国内国外,设计院,事务所,您参与过哪些重要的建筑项目? 哪些项目让你印象深刻? 
When I first joined SCDA, I was primarily responsible for the planning and conceptual design of a boutique resort hotel near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. In the early stages, we conducted extensive design studies, as well as environmental and sustainable design research. To fully understand the local climate across all four seasons and the site's habitability, we spent an entire year investigating the natural environment. The architectural massing was carefully integrated into the sloped terrain with a humble and understated approach, blending almost seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Aiming for carbon neutrality, we conducted analyses of solar and wind energy, exploring the potential for self-sufficiency. However, in 2022, Yellowstone experienced a once-in-500-years flood caused by glacial melting and heavy rainfall due to climate change. The flood not only destroyed bridges but also dramatically expanded the site's watershed and wetlands, forcing us to reevaluate the scale and functionality of the project. This was my first direct encounter with the immense unpredictability that climate change imposes on architects and builders. If we continue to neglect these issues, we will inevitably face even more challenging building and living environments in the future.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ @SCDA ARCHITECTS



Section 2



I believe the role architects play in addressing climate change is not fundamentally different from their inherent role as coordinators and practitioners. Architects may not delve into cutting-edge technological or data research like climate and environmental scientists do, but they operate at the intersection of humanities and natural sciences. This unique position equips them with a foundational understanding of natural sciences and the ability to grasp how climate change impacts living spaces.
At the same time, architects are engaged in daily practice, allowing them to integrate mature green building technologies and systems into their designs. They also play an important role in educating other stakeholders within the industry and the general public. While architectural design may not afford the same level of personal expression as other art forms, it still provides architects with a platform to communicate with society. With a solid knowledge base and awareness of climate resilience, architects can embed these principles into their designs, which ultimately become part of the public’s lived experience.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 风环境分析 @SCDA ARCHITECTS

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ 气流分析 @SCDA ARCHITECTS

Yuhan:我在伯克利的时候因为很喜欢Gail Brager教授的环境与能源课程,有幸参与了由她带领的建筑环境研究中心关于室内环境质量的研究(室内环境质量是LEED评级系统重要的组成部分)。我主要负责的部分是根据POE(建筑使用后评估)研究不同的暖通空调系统对办公楼使用者的效果。当时的数据来源是印度的各个城市,印象很深的是即使在热带国家,大部分使用者对空调需要达到的温度都有很大的差异。并且比起一直输送冷气的空调系统, 大部分人其实更希望在大楼里面有可以自己能调节的风扇和门窗。 


During my time at Berkeley, I was deeply inspired by Professor Gail Brager's course on environment and energy, which led me to join the Center for the Built Environment under her guidance. There, I participated in research on indoor environmental quality (IEQ), a key component of the LEED rating system. My primary responsibility was analyzing the impact of different HVAC systems on office building occupants based on POE (Post-Occupancy Evaluation) studies. The data we worked with came from cities across India, and I was particularly struck by the wide variation in temperature preferences among users, even in a tropical country. Interestingly, rather than relying on constant air conditioning, many people preferred having adjustable fans and operable windows and doors within the building.
This experience highlighted that the systems architects and engineers design for buildings may not always align with the needs of end users. Design should be a holistic and iterative process, encouraging collaboration among stakeholders—including future occupants—early in the project to define sustainable goals. By prioritizing energy efficiency and resource conservation, we can ultimately create buildings that are not only environmentally friendly but also more adaptive and user-centric.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ @YUHAN ZHANG, Post Occupancy Evaluation

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ @YUHAN ZHANG, Post Occupancy Evaluation




Yuhan:作为一名LEED AP,除了在公司参与的可持续项目以外,我也会在个人项目上探索未来的可持续建筑的可能性。今年我们的项目SKY DROPLET很幸运得到了NY Architectural Design Award 和Muse Design Award 在可持续设计方向的金奖。SKY DROPLET 邀请大家想象一个未来:芝加哥的天际线不再是建筑成就的象征,更是可持续生活的灯塔——你的衣食住行,能源食物都来源于你住的大楼本身,“食物荒漠”这一概念将成为过去。项目将城市生活重新定义为一系列垂直生态系统,高楼大厦变成繁荣的绿色空间,滋养身心。这座位于芝加哥湖滨的垂直社区高达一英里,将城市的绿带无缝延伸至天空。



As a LEED AP, beyond contributing to sustainable projects at work, I also explore possibilities for the future of sustainable architecture through my personal endeavors. This year, our project SKY DROPLET was honored with Gold Awards in Sustainable Design from both the NY Architectural Design Awards and the MUSE Design Awards.
SKY DROPLET invites us to imagine a future where Chicago’s skyline is not only a symbol of architectural achievement but also a beacon of sustainable living. In this vision, your building itself provides your food, shelter, and energy, rendering the concept of "food deserts" obsolete. The project redefines urban living as a series of vertical ecosystems, transforming skyscrapers into thriving green spaces that nurture both body and mind.
Located along Chicago's lakefront, this mile-high vertical community seamlessly extends the city’s greenbelt into the sky. Four interconnected towers, supported by a complex diagrid exoskeleton and interwoven with vertical farms, directly address urban food inequality. These towers function not just as architectural structures but as "living organisms" powered by advanced green technologies. Year-round vertical farming turns the towers into agricultural hubs, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint of food transportation while fostering a self-sustaining urban ecosystem.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗▲ @ YUHAN ZHANG, DREAMA SIMENG LIN




Section 3




In my view, the integration of Eastern and Western architectural philosophies goes beyond simply combining styles and forms—it reflects a deeper understanding of space, environment, and human-centered values. Eastern architectural principles, particularly the Chinese concept of feng shui, are rooted in an empirical understanding of how to improve indoor and outdoor environments. Feng shui emphasizes an intuitive experience of how elements like airflow, water flow, and light influence the atmosphere of a space and the feelings of its occupants, rather than relying on specific quantitative data. In contrast, Western architecture, shaped by its evolution from the Renaissance to Rationalism, focuses on a scientific approach, using data to analyze and optimize design while emphasizing functionality and technological innovation. (Of course, with the current trend of globalization, these distinctions are becoming less pronounced.)
My cross-cultural background allows me to seamlessly integrate these intuitive and analytical perspectives, drawing on the strengths of both approaches and applying them to real-world projects. I am not confined by a singular style or methodology, enabling me to take a broader, more innovative approach to design. This fusion not only makes designs more inclusive and human-centered but also respects the environment while leveraging scientific data for optimization, ultimately creating architecture that better addresses contemporary needs.


Compared to architects who focus solely on architectural design, my interdisciplinary background provides me with a multidimensional approach to thinking and problem-solving. As a learner of environmental science, sustainable design, and architecture, I am able to understand a building's physical and technical requirements while also considering its long-term impact from an ecological and environmental perspective. I believe this interdisciplinary outlook enables me to take a more holistic approach in design, finding innovative solutions that balance aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.
While the U.S. architectural industry boasts many leading-edge projects and technologies, there are also some challenges. First, the industry's large scale and complexity often lead firms to adopt conservative practices when facing new technologies and reforms, lacking the drive for change. Even when new technologies emerge, communication and collaboration across different sectors often become barriers to the adoption of innovation.
Additionally, the pace of talent development in the architecture industry is relatively slow, with many professionals accustomed to traditional practices, making it difficult for green building concepts and new technologies to spread quickly. In this context, my interdisciplinary background and global perspective equip me to drive change within the industry. I can not only bring innovative design strategies to projects but also educate and guide teams to introduce and promote new technologies and ideas, gradually overcoming these barriers. I approach every stage of architecture, from design to implementation and long-term operation, with careful attention to each detail. I believe the U.S. architectural industry greatly needs this kind of momentum.
Based on my experiences studying and working in North America, I now have excellent opportunities to engage with some of the world's top-tier construction projects, spanning across the U.S., the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and China. I will continue to deepen my research and practice in sustainable architectural design in New York, with a particular focus on integrating cutting-edge green building technologies with other key spatial concepts in architecture. My goal is to create more approachable public spaces and residential environments that enhance people's quality of life.
I hope to be involved in more challenging projects, exploring how to implement sustainable design across different industries and cultural contexts. At the same time, I aim to continue working globally, expanding my perspectives and incorporating design experiences from various regions into my projects, driving broader innovation in architectural practice.


Section 4




In the context of climate change, the role of architects has become more multifaceted. Architects are not only responsible for designing aesthetically pleasing and functional buildings but also for taking on greater social responsibility to promote sustainable development. The value that architects bring to society has shifted from traditional design functions to the responsible use of environmental resources, ensuring that buildings meet human needs while also having a positive impact on the Earth's ecosystem.
Therefore, I believe it is essential to maintain curiosity and an open mindset. I encourage everyone not to fear interdisciplinary exploration and to engage with all fields related to architecture. It’s time to break free from the traditional constraints of the architectural industry.



Section 5



「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

By reshaping the coastline of Harlem River and turning Fordham Landing into an ecological complex, the project aims to create new public access to environmental education and recreation opportunities of the waterfront site. To reconstruct the wetland condition which happens at several spots across the river, we began with carving out inlets, creating different water current conditions to retain tidewater and soil that support a series of terraced saltwater and freshwater marshlands. Each of the inlets is then themed with various programs that aim to create a natural environment for learning and living while enhancing the overall ecological richness and diversity of the area.

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗


Yuhan:结合古罗马蓄水池 Piscina Mirabilis 中现有的正交柱网,我们的设计方案引入了旋转网格系统,将柱间的负空间编织成一个连续的循环路径,专用于当代展览。在这条路径上,游客上下穿行,经过悬挂的玻璃立方体展示艺术品,从不同高度体验蓄水池的空间。地下空间中水的使用暗示了该场地的历史功能。悬浮于水面之上的对角步行道提供了自由的流线,同时保留了从原始高度体验蓄水池的参观感受。
Incorporating the existing orthogonal column field in the ancient Roman cistern Piscina Mirabilis, our design proposal introduces a rotated grid system that weaves the negative space between columns into a continuous circulatory path for a contemporary exhibition. On this path, visitors ascend and descend, passing by suspended glass cubes displaying artworks, providing an opportunity to experience the reservoir from different heights. The use of water in the underground space alludes to the site’s historical function. Hovering above the water’s surface, the diagonal walking decks offer free circulation while preserving the cistern’s original viewing experience from its historic height.


「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

When we were young, we were always told that when people passed away, they became stars, always shining and guiding us in the sky. The Stardust Cemetery is a contemplation on the cycle of life and afterlife. The imaginary storyline is designed in a futuristic setting. With the available technology, identities and body remains of the dead can be distilled and stored in a 20cm by 20cm illuminating cube, sent off by the loved ones into the air, floating among the stardust in a 300m diameter globe. The extreme contrast in scale celebrates how fleeting yet bright the life of the individual could be.


「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗


Utilizing a spatially efficient approach to store and memorize afterlife, the floating Stardust Cemetery can potentially host up to millions of individuals — the more it hosts, the brighter the stardust would shine — relieving foreseeable population density issue caused by future urbanization.Programmatically, the Stardust Cemetery provides public gathering and ceremonial spaces on the ground level. 12 private cabins attached to vertical railings allow intimate activities, including mourning and memory sharing. Through the railings, people could ascend to the stardust, while viewing the memory of their loved ones as hologram images projected by the cube, and finally send it off to join the circulating river of life, along with millions of other souls.


「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

- 受访者:张煜晗 | Yuhan Zhang -
- 编辑:
Archcollege -

「建世界 02」 | 环境科学到建筑,伯克利到耶鲁,来自SCDA的90后建筑师:张煜晗

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